Code of Etchics


Below are the Code of Ethics and the National Standards and Guidelines by which all members of the Association agree to adhere to.


The Association of Neuromuscular and Massage Therapists (ANMT) has established National Structure of Standards and Guidelines to ensure that members offer Neuromuscular Therapy, Orthopaedic Sports Massage Therapy and Remedial Therapy, in a caring and professional manner ensuring safety, appropriateness and effectiveness within the limitation of their therapy skills.

  • ANMT professionals respect the role of the medical and physiotherapy professions. Individuals may only be registered as Physical Therapists if they are also a registered member of the Irish Society of Chartered Physiotherapists or are registered with CORU, Ireland’s Health and Social Care Professionals Council.

  • ANMT members are experts in treating minor soft tissue injury and dysfunctional tissues. Injury requiring medical treatment will be referred to the appropriate medical health care professional.

  • ANMT members will only offer services for which they have the appropriate medical education, knowledge, skills and qualifications at both certificate, diploma or higher level

  • ANMT code of ethics embraces informed consent, confidentiality, misconduct and professionalism.

  • ANMT members offer all patients the right of refusal. It is a patient’s right to refuse or stop a treatment at any time.

  • ANMT members must acquire appropriate health history details and ask relevant questions, assess and observe the patient, to ensure the appropriate course of treatment is offered. Patients should be given ample information about the proposed treatment to make sure they can give informed consent.

  • ANMT members will not discuss anything about a patient, with anyone other than that patient, except with the patient’s written permission. Confidentiality means that patient information is private. All records relating to a patient’s medical history and treatments must be stored in a secure locked environment.


  • ANMT members must dress and behave in a professional manner putting the patient at ease. They should inspire confidence and a sense of safety. Clothing should be neat, clean, modest and professional. The therapist must also be free from offensive odours.

  • All ANMT members must have appropriate professional indemnity and public and product liability insurance in place.

  • ANMT members will not perform high velocity thrusts, joint manipulation or treatments outside of the scope of practice for their discipline.

  • ANMT members undertake to continually up-date and further educate themselves on current trends, research and ideas in order to best treat their patients.


Respect for the dignity of patients and others
Members will maintain respect for the interests, dignity, rights and needs of all patients, staff and colleagues.

Responsible caring
Competent, quality patient care will be provided at the highest standard possible.

Integrity in relationships
At all times the ANMT member will behave with integrity, honesty and diligence in practice and duties.

Responsibility to society
Members are responsible and accountable to society and shall conduct themselves in a manner that maintains high ethical standards.


  • Respect all patients, colleagues and health professionals through non- discrimination regardless of their age, gender, race, national origin, sexual orientation, religion, socioeconomic status, body type, political affiliation, state of health, personal habits and life-coping skills.

  • Perform only those services for which they are qualified and honestly represent their educational certification, professional affiliations and other qualifications.

  • The member will apply treatment only when there is a reasonable expectation that it will be advantageous to the patient’s condition.

  • The ANMT member, in consultation with the patient, will continually evaluate the effectiveness of treatment.

  • The ANMT member must at all times respect the scope of practices of other health care and service professionals including medical doctors, podiatrists, orthopaedists, psychotherapists, counsellors, acupuncturists, nurses, osteopaths, chiropractors, exercise physiologists, athletic trainers, nutritionists, physiotherapists and sports medicine doctors.

  • The ANMT member will respect all ethical health care practitioners and work together to promote health and healing.

  • The ANMT member  will acknowledge the limitations of their personal skills and when needed, refer patients to the appropriate qualified personnel.

  • The ANMT member will not work with any individual who has a specific disease process without supervision by a licensed medical professional.

  • The ANMT member will be adequately educated and understand the physiologic effects of the specific bodywork techniques used to determine if any application is contraindicated and to ensure the most beneficial techniques are applied to a given individual.

  • The ANMT member will not make false claims regarding the potential benefits of the techniques rendered and actively educate the public regarding the actual benefits of physical therapies.

  • The ANMT member  will acknowledge the importance and individuality of each person including colleagues, peers and patients.

  • The ANMT member will work only with informed consent of patients and professionally disclose to the patient, any situation that may interfere with the ability to provide the best care to serve the patient’s best interest.


  • Members must display respect for the patient by honouring a patient’s process and following all recommendations by being present, listening, asking only pertinent questions, keeping agreements, being on time, draping properly and customising the treatment to fit the patient’s needs.

  • It is the responsibility of the member to ensure the privacy and respect of the patient and to ensure that the patient feels comfortable, safe and secure with the draping provided.

  • The patient may choose to be fully draped or clothed throughout the treatment.

  • The female patients’ breasts are never exposed.

  • The genitals, perineum or anus are never undraped.

  • Consent of the patient is required to work on any part of the body regardless of whether the patient is fully clothed, fully draped or partially draped.

  • Members must provide a safe, comfortable and clean treatment environment.

  • Members must maintain clear and honest communication with patients and keep patient communications confidential. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance. The ANMT professional must inform the patient that the referring physician may be eligible to access patient records, and records may be subpoenaed by the courts.

  • Members must conduct business in a professional and ethical manner in relation to clientele, business associates, acquaintances, government bodies and the general public.

  • Members must follow city, county, national and international requirements.

  • Members must charge a fair price for any treatment session. A gift, gratuity or benefit that is intended to influence a referral, a decision or a treatment may not be accepted and must be immediately returned to the giver.

  • Members must keep accurate records and review the records with the patient.

  • Members must never engage in any sexual conduct, sexual conversations or any other sexual activities involving patients.

  • Members must not affiliate with any business that uses any form of sexual suggestiveness or explicit sexuality in advertising, promotion of services or in the actual practice of service.

  • Members will practice honesty in advertising, promoting services ethically and in good taste and will advertise only those techniques for which adequate training or certification has been received.

  • Members strive for professional excellence through regular assessment of personal strengths, limitations and effectiveness by continuing education and training.

  • Members accept the responsibility to self, patients and profession to maintain physical, mental and emotional well-being and to inform patients when the therapist is not functioning at best capacity.

  • Members will refrain from the use of any mind altering drugs, alcohol or intoxicants before or during the sessions.

  • Members will maintain a professional appearance and demeanour by keeping good hygiene and dressing in a professional manner.

  • Members should undergo periodic peer review.

  • Members respect all pertinent reporting requirements outlined by legislation regarding child abuse.

  • Members will report to the proper authorities any accurate knowledge and its supportive documentation regarding violation by therapists and other health or service professionals.

  • Members will avoid interests, activities or influences that might conflict with the obligations to act in the best interest of patients and the member’s profession.

  • Members will not carry out any action or become involved with any process which may bring the Association into disrepute.

  • Members will safeguard professional integrity by recognising potential conflicts of interest and avoiding them.

  • Members accept responsibility to keep informed and and up to date on changes or additions to the Code of Ethics, Scope of Practice and National Standards and Guidelines.
All members must hold adequate professional indemnity and public liability insurance at all times.

Click here to Download a Copy of the code of ethics
© ANMT. All rights reserved.
ANMT Membership Application Form

Membership Application


You can apply for ANMT membership here.
For Student Memberships please contact us at


Full Membership is available to you provided you hold a recognised qualification for each of the categories you want listed and hold a current professional indemnity insurance policy.
Members who are listed in this category have demonstrated to the Association that they have completed a recognised programme of education for each discipline that they list. These members have also submitted a copy of their Professional Indemnity Insurance policy. Treatments offered by these members are covered in line with the policy documentation for customers of LAYA Healthcare.

Would you like to add a subscription to the Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies (JBMT) to your membership?


Published by Elsevier, the JBMT is the leading peer reviewed journal for bodywork therapists around the world. A subscription ensures that you receive continuing professional development (which may become a requirement if and when the governement introduce regulation) and is available through the Association for €75.00 per year versus the standard subscription cost which is currently €222.00 per year.